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The Complete Guide to Play Word Cross

Word Cross is a free creative crossword puzzle game that inspires the players to challenge their intelligence. It gives 2,000 different word challenges to the players who have to complete the puzzle to earn scores in the form of coins. Also, the game allows you to play the game on theme boards that the players can customise. Plus, it has ads and in-app purchases, like the in-game coins that you can buy to get more lives. Other than that, you can ask for rewards or more lives from your friends who play this game via social media. To play this game, the players need to swipe letters to form and line up a word. Moreover, the players do not need an internet connection to play the game, so they can play it at any time they want. So, if you are fond of playing board games and puzzle games, you will love this clean and fresh board UI at first sight.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online, Offline
No. of Players: Single-Player 
Language: English
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Mobile (Android, iOS),  Tab, iPad, PC & Laptop
Download Link: Android, iOS


Objective of playing Word Cross

The Word Cross game will challenge children and adults who want to play challenging games and train their brains. It is also effective in improving vocabulary and building up their concentration level as well. When the game starts, it is pretty easy. However, as you advance through the levels, the difficulty of the levels increases and it will provide a good exercise to the brain cells. Don’t worry even if you are not aware of how to play the game. The game will guide you step-by-step when you download and open it first. Moreover, you can also recommend the game to your friends and challenge them to score high scores like you.

How to Set-Up Word Cross?

  • For Android devices, you can download the Word Cross app from Google PlayStore.
  • For iOS devices, you can download this gaming app from the App Store.
  • For PCs and laptops, you can install the game from BlueStacks. However, you have to install BlueStacks first.

Rules of Word Cross

In the Word Cross game, you have to connect the given letters in such a way that they form meaningful words. Making these words and solving the crossword will help you to earn coins. If you make bonus words that do not appear in the crossword, you can earn extra points. As you advance through the levels of the game, you might have difficulty solving the crossword. Then, you can try using the Shuffle and Hint buttons and get some help.


In this Word Cross game, you have to keep forming correct words to keep earning free coins. When you start the game, 1200 coins will be added to your score. After completing every five levels, you will earn 25 coins. Also, you can buy the “Limited Sale” pack to earn two times the coins. You can get surprising bonuses every time you log in every day. Also, you can earn more coins by playing Daily Puzzle, but it will be unlocked after you have passed level 50. However, you can collect more coins from Daily Bonus even at the early levels. Other than that, if you want to earn coins more easily, you can just buy them.


What should I do when I don’t have many coins left to buy Hints or Shuffle?

You can ask for coins from any of your friends who are also playing this game. With that, you can buy the option you need and progress forward through the game.

What happens to the Bonus Words?

When you form meaningful extra words, they are collected in “Extra”. If you tap on it, you can see how many words you have made so far and the same number of coins to your score.

Tips from the Geeks

Don’t forget to collect coins from the Daily Bonus. You just need to tab on it when it pops up on your screen and add more coins to your scores.