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Step-by-Step Guide for Playing Game of Words

Game of words is more like a crossword puzzle. The letters given can be joined together to form different words. New words may start or end with the letters linked to the previous word. This gives the shape of a crossword puzzle. It is a game to test and train your brain. It begins with simple meaningful words at the first level.

One can also sync the game with a Facebook account. This helps in playing the game on various devices under the same account. This keeps the data saved and unchanged. People can start playing from where they left on a new device when the game is synched with a Facebook account.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online
No. of Players: Single-Player
Language: English
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Android Mobile, Tab
Download Link: Android

Objective of playing Game of Words

The game of words is available for free in the Play Store. It is a game much more than a typical word game. There is an intermediate quiz available when a new bonus word is found. As the level increases, reward points are collected. New homes and lands can be created and improved with the earned reward points. These are inbuilt to increase interest in the game. They are no additional features available in the game of words.

How to Set-Up Game of Words?

  1. Install the game “Game of words” from Play Store on android mobile.
  2. On the start page, the game can be synched with the Facebook account if needed.
  3. The game starts with level 1.
  4. A crossword puzzle layout appears at each level.
  5. Below are the letters available.
  6. Join the letters to form 3 or more letter words.

Rules of Game of Words

The game of words is a game that can be played by simply swiping through the letters. Each level in the game has a hidden key behind the answers. The collection of three keys unlocks chests for coin rewards.

Two options that help users in time of need are the hint option and the shuffle. The shuffle option can be used to get the letters arranged differently. The hint option can be used to reveal any letter in an unknown word. Reward points must be exchanged for each hint we use.


The game of words starts with 5000 points. Each level at the beginning gains nearly 100 points. The points increase as the level goes by. The score remains the same for every 5 levels. After the completion of each of the 5 levels, a reward box is available. The reward box gives more reward points. Each additional word is considered a bonus word. There are extra points rewarded for each bonus found.


How many levels are there in Game of Words?

There are nearly 5500 levels in the game of words. The game starts with a 3-letter word in the first level. It goes up to nearly 8 letter words.

Does it cost to download the Game of Words?

It is a free game that can be downloaded directly from the play store account of anyone. It can also be used in synchronization with the Facebook account. This helps when the person uses the same account on their new device.

What is the layout used in the Game of Words?

In the game of words, letters are provided inside a circle. The letters formed are displayed in a crossword puzzle layout. The letters of one word can be used for one or more other words. It also looks more like a scramble. It is interesting and can be played by people of all ages.

Tips from the Geeks

Think for a while rather than waste the earned reward points for the sake of getting “Hint.”