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How to Master Wordox

Wordox is an amazing word game where the players can take turns and enjoy playing together. So, when you want to play a word game alone or with your friends, you will love this game. If you like taking challenges and are not afraid to test your grey matter, then download this game and get started!

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online
No. of Players: Multiplayer
Language: English and 5 other languages
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Android, iOS Mobile & Tab, iPad, Laptops & Desktops
Download Link: Android, iOS

Objective of playing Wordox

The main objective of the Wordox game is to provide happy hours to the players. The players can play the game with their friends and get a chance to meet new people across the world. So, if you give this word game a try, it will become your favorite in no time.

How to Set-Up Wordox?

  • For Android devices, you can install the Wordox app from the Google PlayStore.

  • For Apple devices, you can download the gaming app from the App Store.

  • For laptops and desktops, you can download it from APK on Windows. You can find all the downloading information there

Rules of Wordox

To play the Wordox game, the players either need to use their Google account or can play with a Guest account.

In this game, two players will play together and take alternate turns to form the words with the given letters. The goal for the players is to score 25 points before the opponent does. When they enter the first level, a board with some stars will appear on the screen and six letters underneath it. The players can collect the stars by placing words on them. Collecting the stars will help to get bonus points that will be added to their score when they activate the vertex square. Whoever starts playing the game first must ensure that they place a letter at the center square. There will be a “Shuffle” button to help shuffle the letters without any charge. They can use it anytime to form the right word horizontally or vertically. Then, they can drag the letters one by one and place them on the board. After forming the word, they need to click on “Play” to earn points and let the other player play. They can use the Skip button to skip their turn and fail to earn any coin.

Then, the opponent gets the turn and forms his word. Both the players can use all the letters that are already present on the board to make their words. In this game, even two-letter words are valid. However, they cannot move them. The game does not allow using proper nouns, acronyms, abbreviations, words with hyphens or apostrophes, prefixes, and suffixes. So, the players need to avoid making such words and losing their chances to earn a score.


As the main aim of the players is to score 25 points first, they will try to make as many words as possible with the letters. For using every letter, they score one point. So, the number of letters in their words will be their scores. When a player forms a word while placing a letter on a star, he earns a star, i.e., bonus points. Also, if they use the opponent's letters, then the score for those letters will be deducted from the opponent and given to this player. In this way, they will play until any of them makes 25 points.


Can I link my Facebook account with this game?

You can link your Facebook account to play the game across all devices.

What if you don’t have a valid word in your dictionary and reject it?

If you feel wronged because your valid word was rejected in the game and want it to be added to the dictionary, contact the developers. Likewise, if you find any

spelling wrong or want any word to be removed from the dictionary, get in touch with them.

Tips from the Geeks

Don’t skip your turn. You can take your time and try forming a word using more of your opponent’s letters.