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Learn to Play Word Pearls

Word Pearls provides a welcome change from the prevalent word games on Android. It is different from other games, and you must join syllables to complete a word. Players can have the perfect combination of trivia and word connect that requires strong word power.

The game was developed by Unico Studio and provides a new adventure to gamers who love word puzzles. The motto of the developers and publishers of this game is to ensure they can reach out to their audience globally. They try to provide fun to their members to de-stress themselves.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online
No. of Players: Single-Player
Language: English 
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Android Mobile, Tab
Download Link: Android

Objective of playing Word Pearls

Word Pearls is a simple but addictive game. You can improve your concentration power by playing it. The words at the lower levels are easy and can be suitable for kids. Players win coins on completing a chapter. The coins can be used against hints when they are stuck with a word. The game is about being intuitive and having your concentration levels at the highest degree. Players can assess their vocabulary skills. You must strategize well to continue to level up.

How to Set-Up Word Pearls?

You can download the game on Google Play Store and store it on your smartphone. Click on the icon to load the game and start playing. At the Home screen, you can sync your progress in the game by logging in using your Facebook credentials.

Players can connect with the developer over email and share the game with their friends. The music, notifications, and sound can be turned on/ off too. The theme can also be changed. Some themes are free, while others can be used in exchange for coins.

Rules of Word Pearls

There are various categories at various levels. The words are broken into syllables that are present as bubbles. There are blocks with the exact number of letters in a word to fill that block. Players must select the bubbles in proper order to create the word. If you are lucky, you can find a single syllable word. You win and move forward when you can successfully find all the words on a level. If you get stuck, take the help of hints, or shuffle the bubbles for a different view. You are rewarded for the successful completion of a chapter.


You finish a level on completing all the words in the puzzle. The levels are clubbed into chapters. Players will win coins on winning a chapter. There are specific levels where you reap a bumper gift. As the levels increase, the difficulty levels will also grow higher. Gamers can undertake in-app purchases to buy coins that can be exchanged against hints that can be used while playing the puzzles.


Are there in-app ads?

Yes, there are in-app ads. However, you can win additional coins if you watch the video ads.

Are there Daily Puzzles?

Yes, the game has a Daily Puzzle. If you find all the words, you win gifts too.

What is the maximum level that can be achieved in the game?

The game has levels that are clubbed into chapters. You can reach the highest level of 3000 that is at Chapter 306.

Can I invite friends to the game?

You can share the game with your friends. You can also invite your friends over Facebook.

Tips from the Geeks

Use hints with the utmost care, concentrate well, and dig deep into your word power.