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Learn to Play Word Fall

Word Fall is a word puzzle game developed by Jiliang Gao. It is pretty easy and has addictive gameplay. The game has more than 3800 levels, so just imagine how many words you will be able to learn via playing this game? To play this easy game, all you have to do is to complete your daily challenges and collect your daily bonus. Also, if you want to play previous levels, you can just go back to the Level List and play again. Moreover, you can play the game from anywhere at any time you want without an internet connection.
If you are fond of word-search or crossword games, you will also like playing this word puzzle game. Word Fall will definitely give you an experience that will be quite different from other word gameplays.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online, Offline
No. of Players: Single-Player
Language: English 
Age group: All
Price: Free, Subscription Model
Devices: Available on Mobile (Android, iOS),  Tab, iPad, PCs & Laptop
Download Link: Android, iOS

Objective of playing Word Fall

The main objective of the game is to form more and more words with the letters you start with and make the highest possible score. As you progress through the levels of the game, the level will start getting more advanced and difficult. You will definitely help to keep your brain cells active and kill time when you get bored. Moreover, you will have a chance to increase your cognitive skills and train your concentration skills.

How to Set-Up Word Fall?

To set up the Word Fall game on your device, you can follow the underneath steps.

  • For Android devices, you can install the game from Google PlayStore.
  • For Apple devices, you can install the app from the App Store.
  • For laptops and desktops, you can download the game from Microsoft Store.

Rules of Word Fall

When you play the Word Fall game, you must make sure that you use only English words and each must have at least three letters. Moreover, you can use the Shuffle, Hint, and Block Hint buttons to help you when you get stuck somewhere. In this game, there are two game modes – Speed and Strategy. However, the basic mechanic is the same in both modes.

  • Speed Mode: New keys will automatically appear every time the timer reaches the bottom of the screen. If the letters pile up to the top of the screen, the game will be over.
  • Strategy Mode: As you have to make the highest score possible, you have to make sure that you have a strategy beforehand and implement it. When there are no more possible words that you can make, the game is over. So, you need to make sure that you plan your steps and are aware of where your keys are going to fall.


When you first enter the game, 200 coins will be added to your score. After you finish every 10 levels, you will get a few cards in reward and earn 21 coins. If you watch an ad video there, you can earn 61 coins. Also, for every 10 bonus words, you will earn 10 points. There also, you will have a chance to earn 50 coins by watching an ad. Moreover, you can watch a video to add 30 coins to your score after the third level.


How can I get rid of the ads while playing the Word Fall game?

You can remove the ads by paying a small fee and have a chance to play the exciting game without any hassle.

How can I earn points after each level?

You will have an option to earn up to 30 points by watching the ad videos.

Tips from the Geeks

Try to watch an ad for more money if you do not have enough money to buy a boost.