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Unleash Your Vocabulary Power with Crossword Puzzle: WoC!

Welcome, word game enthusiasts! If you're a fan of word puzzles and looking for an exhilarating challenge, this game is the game you've been waiting for! Developed by Tokman Soft, this brain-teasing word game will put your vocabulary knowledge to the test. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey filled with excitement, challenges, and fun!

How do you win?

The objective of this game is to fill the given crossword grid with valid words. You'll be provided with clues for each word, and you must use your vocabulary skills to find the correct answers. The challenge lies in connecting the words correctly to fill the grid while ensuring that all intersecting words are valid.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Both online and offline
No. of Players: Single-player
Language: English
Age Group: All ages
Price: Free
Devices: Android
Download Link: Android


Each level presents you with a crossword grid and a set of clues for the words.
Read the clues carefully and input the correct words into the grid.
Words can be placed vertically or horizontally, and they must intersect with other words where applicable.
You can tap on the grid to select a starting point for each word you want to input.
Keep an eye on the word count and the available spaces in the grid.
If you're stuck on a level, you can use hints to reveal letters or even entire words.

Scoring Pattern

In this game, your score is determined by several factors:

Words found: The more words you discover, the higher your score.
Level completion time: Completing levels quickly will earn you additional points.
Streaks: If you solve multiple levels in a row without using hints, you'll earn bonus points for your streak.

How to Set Up the Game

Getting started with this game is a breeze! Follow these simple steps:

Visit the Google Play Store on your Android device.
Search for this game in the search bar.
Click on the "Install" button to download and install the game.
Once installed, launch the game and start your word adventure!


Absolutely! The developers at Tokman Soft are committed to providing a fresh and exciting gaming experience. They regularly release updates with new levels, challenges, and features to keep the gameplay engaging.

Tips from the Geeks

  • Build Your Vocabulary
  • Focus on Clues
  • Start with Short Words
  • Work in Sections
  • Use Hints Wisely
  • Think Outside the Box
  • Practice Makes Perfect