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Crossword Jam Tutorial

Wish to travel the world from the comfort of your home, while simultaneously engaging your mind into a profound learning experience? It’s Crossword Jam to the rescue! A classic word search game with a unique twist, Crossword Jam takes players to a different country at the interval of every 10 levels. To add to the fun, several bonus words can be formed on every level, ensuring that players think out of the box and put their thinking caps on. Additionally, a daily challenge pops up every day, providing players with a chance to earn extra coins!

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online
No. of Players: Single-Player
Language: English
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Android Mobile, Tab
Download Link: Android

Objective of playing Crossword Jam

The game aims to enrich the players’ vocabulary, as well as soothe and relax their minds through visually appealing level designs. The basic idea is to swipe the letters across the screen to form meaningful words to complete the crossword. It also assists players in improving their anagram puzzle-solving skills, making for an excellent mental exercise.

How to Set-Up Crossword Jam?

The game is convenient to set up. The players can simply boot it up and start playing right away. An added advantage offered by the game is that it can be played without an active internet connection. To ensure that the players’ progress remains intact in case they change devices or, the application ever gets deleted, the game also offers an option to log in using Facebook, helping them synchronize their progress across multiple devices.

Rules of Crossword Jam

In terms of controls, the game uses quite straightforward mechanics. The players simply need to swipe across the screen to form meaningful words and complete the crossword. As the players progress further, the difficulty level keeps on escalating steadily. To ensure that the players don’t get stuck, they are offered several assists that ease things out. These assists can be purchased in exchange for coins that the players earn by completing levels and challenges.


The game rewards players with coins, as well as knowledge points. The game offers the players around 179 countries to explore. And the country a player is in changes at an interval of every 10 levels. When the country changes, the players are also rewarded with a gift box, which contains coins that can be traded for hints, in case one is stuck. Players can also earn coins by completing daily challenges and finding hidden bonus words at every level. Guessing 5 bonus words earns them a reward of 5 coins. Additionally, the game rewards quick thinking by granting players knowledge points for speedily guessing words.


How long would it take to beat the game?

The game boasts of thousands of levels, ensuring that players are thoroughly engaged and there are no dull moments for them. The developers are constantly adding new levels to provide retention.

Who can play Crossword Jam?

The game caters to children because of the simplistic graphics and easy-to-use interface and adults with gradually increasing difficulty levels.

Tips from the Geeks

Utilize the earned coins wisely by trading them for hints to overcome any particular level.