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Learn to Play CombiWord

If you are looking for a no-frills word game, you can download CombiWord. It is a relatively simple word game designed by Genius Games. You must make a new word from a combination of two words.

Players must unlock levels on CombiWord by guessing the word correctly. You will be required to guess the compound word by the hint provided in the form of two pictures. Kids can take a particular interest when playing this game. It is not complicated like several other games of the same genre.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online
No. of Players: Single-Player
Language: English
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Android Mobile, Tab
Download Link: Android

Objective of playing CombiWord

Play when you are stressed out after a hard day at work! It does not need much effort and is relatively straightforward than most other word games. It may seem easy at the time, but some of the clues may require you to be at your sublime best. The pictures may need you to think through them properly before guessing the word.

How to Set-Up CombiWord?

Playing is simple! Just download the game from Google Play Store. Click on the icon on your smartphone. Tap at the Play button, and there you go. It's that simple—no hard stuff. And even kids find it easy.

Rules of CombiWord

It is a combination word game. At CombiWord, players will be provided with two pictures as a hint. There will be several letters in a jumbled format. You must think about the words from the pictures and type the letters from the ones provided in the puzzle.

You win the level when the correct word has been entered at the blank spaces. But if you enter wrong letters, the game will prompt that a wrong word is entered. The player can guess the correct word again. You can use the coins if you are unaware of the hints from either picture or both.


You will win the level if you can guess the pictures correctly and create the word based on the letters provided. When you win a level, you will be winning coins that you can use at future levels. On delivering the correct answer, you will be presented with the word's meaning too.


How do you move up the levels?

On correctly answering the puzzle, you move to the next level.

Does the game contain ads?

Yes, the game contains in-app ads.

What happens if I make a wrong guess?

The game allows you to continue till you have entered the correct word. You can use the coins to help you guess the pictures.

What is the difficulty level for this game?

The game uses simple English vocabulary words. CombiWord requires you to guess common words.

Tips from the Geeks

Enliven your mood by playing this game but be alert at all times.