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A Guide to Play Bouquet of Words

Bouquet of words is the most beautiful of word games available on the Play Store. Hundreds of hidden words can be found in this game. It is available in 8 languages like Dutch, Italian, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Turkish.

This game can also increase a person’s knowledge of learning new words. New words can be found by sliding through the letters with the finger. The game starts with a three-letter word in the first level.

In a Nutshell

Mode: Online, Offline
No. of Players: Single-Player
Language: English and 7 other languages
Age group: All
Price: Free
Devices: Available on Android Mobile, Tab
Download Link: Android

Objective of playing Bouquet of Words

The Bouquet of words is a simple game based on finding new words. The game keeps improving with various quick updates. One or more words can be found using the same number of letters. The number of words to be found increases as the level increases.

The basic idea of this game is to encourage kids and students to gain knowledge while playing. There are certain levels represented as World. Each world has several chapters under them. Completion of 3 chapters in world 1 takes the user to world 2 with 5 chapters. World 85 is the final level in the bouquet of words.

How to Set-Up Bouquet of Words?

  1. The game “Bouquet of words” can be installed from the play store.
  2. After installing the game, one needs to open it.
  3. The game starts with a level denoted as Chapter A in World 1.
  4. Cells representing letters are present.
  5. Slide through the letters to find new words.
  6. The respective number of words needs to be found in one level.
  7. Language can be changed as per the user.

Rules of Bouquet of Words

Words found in the bouquet of words must have a proper meaning. Only on completion of a specific number of words, the game proceeds to the next level. The shuffle button is present to shuffle the letters. This sometimes helps users to find new words.

Not only specific words but additional words can also be found with the given letters. Cell hint is an option present that allows one to choose a cell to reveal the letter. This hint can be unlocked only on completing the world 1 level. Another hint available is represented by a bulb symbol. That randomly reveals any letter from the level.


Scores are added as gold coins in the wallet. These gold coins are earned after each level for each word found. The coins can also be exchanged in the shop to get more hint chances. If there is any additional word found other than the requested word, an extra 1 coin is added to the wallet. Every 20 coins earned get one as a surprise gift for the user. The user earns different titled badges on reaching different milestones.


Can Bouquet of words be played offline?

The Bouquet of words can be played offline. Since it is a single-player game it does not require internet connections or Wi-Fi for communication between players.

What is the use of the Bulb symbol in the bouquet of words?

A Bulb symbol is a hint option available to make the game easy for users. A single press on the bulb symbol helps the users to find words with the help of letters. It costs 15 gold coins to use the bulb hint for one time. One letter is revealed each time.

How does the Bouquet of words help kids and children?

Though games on a mobile phone are not recommended for kids, Bouquet of words is a game that helps kids and children learn new words. Kids can simply slide through the letters randomly to find new words. Therefore, it is useful for them to know new words while playing.

Tips from the Geeks

Use the shuffle button to get a different view on sliding letters to find new words, but one needs to think twice before using as coins are needed to buy the same.